Jorge ‘El Niño de Oro’ Linares Knock Out Wins, Losses & 2017 Highlights

Jorge Linares is also scheduled to fight Filipino boxer Mercito’No Mercy’ Gesta on January 27, 2018 at Forum Inglewood California USA for the WBA World Lightweight Title. Linares was one of the best prospects in his earlier career he can box and also he can punch but on October 10, 2009 he fought then undefeated Juan Carlos Salgado, Salgado landed a hard left hook that landed at the right side of Linares head he goes down and he never recovered from that punch Salgado finish him with flurry of punches in the very first round, Linares also lost to Antonio De Marco a fight which Linares was comfortable winning on points but due to cuts on his face it really affected him in the remaining rounds of the fight referee have decided to stop the fight.

Linares third loss was against Segio Thompson, Linares goes down from a combination of punches in round two, Linares was unable to continue due to cut left eyelid.

After receiving his 3rd loss Linares bounce-back and won all his 12 fights, He knocked out Javier Prieto for the WBC World Lightweight Title in the fourth round, Linares also stopped title Challenger Kevin Mitchell in the 10th round, He also defeated Anthony Crolla twice and his latest win he defeated Luke Campbell by decision September last year.

Jorge Linares Knock Out Wins
2015-10-10 Jorge Linares vs Ivan Cano
2015-05-30 Jorge Linares vs Kevin Mitchell
2014-12-30 Jorge Linares vs Javier Prieto
2014-08-16 Jorge Linares vs Ira Terry
2013-03-16 Jorge Linares vs David Rodela
2011-05-28 Jorge Linares vs Adrian Verdugo
2010-10-24 Jorge Linares vs Jesus Chavez
2008-11-28 Jorge Linares vs Whyber Garcia
2007-12-15 Jorge Linares vs Gamaliel Diaz
2007-07-21 Jorge Linares vs Oscar Larios
2005-04-16 Jorge Linares vs Luis Perez Vicente
2004-10-02 Jorge Linares vs Sung-Hoon Park
2003-03-15 Jorge Linares vs Singdam Monsaichon

Jorge Linares Losses
2012-03-31 Jorge Linares vs Sergio Thompson
2011-10-15 Jorge Linares vs Antonio De Marco
2009-10-10 Jorge Linares vs Juan Carlos Salgado

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