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American sports columnist Skip Bayless believes Manny Pacquiao defeated Mayweather Jr

Skip Bayless: Heres the truth happen on Saturday night, Manny Pacquiao won that fight
Manny Pacquiao definitely thought he had won the fight because he said so right after the fight as a matter of factually from the heart as he could I won the fight.
Skip Bayless Manny Pacquiao won the fight

Manny Pacquiao went so far to say the bottom line is he didn’t do nothing that’s my bottom line to the whole fight, Floyd Mayweather didn’t do nothing.

Evander Holyfield said right after the fight Manny Pacquiao won this fight fare and square. I don’t even to talk about the shoulder issue, regardless whether his shoulder hurts or not Manny Pacquiao wont this fight as I detailed on twitter from start to finish I am not doing sour grapes Im not doing sore loser here Im not speaking from the heart I am speaking from the head with which I scored the fight from round to round.

I had it 115 – 113 Manny Pacquiao, I had Manny Pacquiao winning 7 rounds to Mayweather’s 5 rounds. I had Pacquiao winning rounds 2,3 especially 4 and 6, rounds 10 and 12 which obviously Floyd conceded to 12 because Floyd thought the fight is over I had Floyd Mayweather winning rounds 1 because Manny became tentative, 5, 7 I have Floyd round 9 I don’t event think he deserved to win round 9 but I gave it to him and round 11 I thought Floyd won round 11 this thing drives me crazy.

All that I saw that Mayweather did was he mostly ran and he danced and he rope a dope after he blasted the great Mohammad Ali, saying that he is over glorified for rope a doping George Foreman, that all I saw that he did he played rope a dope.

Manny Pacquiao landed more shots did more damage in rounds 4 and 6, most of the damage in the fight was done by Manny Pacquiao to Floyd Mayweather especially rounds 4 and 6 and the reason I picked 7, Pacquiao team told me a month ago they are convinced that Manny Pacquiao can take out Floyd Mayweather Jr within four rounds. Manny went for the kill in the 4th round I thought he had Floyd in trouble, I thought he let him off the hook and off the ropes quickly, Floyd was getting hammered in round 4 and again in round 6.

Unless there is a knockdown the aggressor always win the round who was the agressor for the most of the fight? seriously Manny Pacquiao was the aggressor I got him at least 7 rounds, I thought its 8 or 9 trying to be objective here but the aggressor wins the fight that was Evander Holyfield’s point he thought that Pacquiao was clearly the more aggressive throughout the fight.

But what happened? The judges scored the fight as if Floyd Mayweather the invincible undefeated champion and Manny Pacquiao is the unknown underdog, Manny Pacquiao is a champion too you got to score straight up its almost like they wouldn’t give Pacquiao a round unless he drew blood on Floyd Mayweather that is a joke to me because if you took this fight and put in a vacuum if you didn’t know the reputation of this fighter or the lack of reputation of the other fighter just these two fighters and you got independent judges around the world to score it trust me Manny Pacquiao would win that fight.

Floyd Mayweather was mostly acting like winning shake his head and rope a dope he is dancing side to side like he is some little Ali he acted the part very well he impress the judges very well he did not win the fight the other thing that colored America’s perception for sure Roy Jones Jr he showed his true colors especially in Las Vegas he is a Floyd fan from the start, Jones Jr was over the top of Mayweather Jr he colored America’s perception from the start of the fight he mislead people in the thinking that Mayweather was dominating the fight but he wasn’t actually Pacquiao was fighting a very smart fight from start to finish, he actually fought a Floyd smart fight because I was worried that Manny was gonna take one shot and he got rocked and he got dropped but it did not happen he got caught 1 time with 1 right hand frome Floyd Mayweather, Floyd got caught 3 or 4 big time Evander Holyfield say so in the end I loved the line from Manny “He didn’t do nothing” Manny Pacquiao won the fight

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