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Saul Alvarez vs Miguel Cotto Weigh Results

Saul Alvarez : 155 lbs
Migule Cotto: 153.5 lbs

Miguel Cotto vs Saul ‘Canelo’Alvarez this long awaited, much anticipated showdown between these two great boxing fighterswill be on November 21st at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Miguel Cotto supposed to be defending his WBC Middle Weight championship belt but four days before this fight WBC strips Miguel Cotto of his championship belt.
Miguel Cotto vs Saul Canelo Alvarez Fight Replay

Miguel Cotto: WBC expected me to pay $1.1 million – $300,000 for the sanctioning fee and an $800,000 step-aside payment to Gennady Golovkin. He said he offered to pay a $125,000 fee, so $925,000 in all.

“I don’t need their belt,” Cotto said, leading into the bout at Mandalay Bay. “I have enough belts in my house, and with the money I saved, I can buy any belt I want. I can be the champion of whatever I want in my house.

“This fight sells itself.”

Cotto in an interview with ESPN promised his fans to give them kind of fight they would love to see. This fight definitely brings to the fore the long standing rivalry between Puerto Rico and Mexico. Miguel who has dedicated his career to fight the best and biggest fighters considers this another feather in his heart.

Canelo Alvarez also had great musing about this particular bout. Mega fights happen because the fans demand for them. Canelo said “It is the same case in this match. The fans for so long have been demanding, begging and waiting eagerly for it. It is happening.” “One of the major contributor to the long standing rivalry between Puerto Rico and Mexico, this fight will definitely go down in history as one of the greatest,”Alvarez added. He promised his fans a great fight.

The two fighters head to the ring on very high notes. Miguel Cotto dispatched off Daniel Geale in a spectacular 4th round KO. Canelo Alvarez also finished off James Kirkland in May this year an adrenaline pumping fight. Both boxers have a winning streak of 3 fight wins. This doesn’t happen a lot in the boxing world but two top flight, physically fit fighters will battle for a legit title.
The predictions for this fight are divided clearly in the middle. Both boxers have huge advantages to their benefit as well as debilitating disadvantages. Miguel Cotto easily has the upper hand in professional boxing experience and overall fighting ability. Cotto has had the benefit coming into this fight of having fought established career boxers. This has drastically improved his boxing pedigree. The tested experience of his current couch Freddie Roch has also helped.

On the other hand, Alvarez is not a sub to Cotto at all. His strategy of fighting quality opponents in past few has improved his game and style with a clear ability to fight effectively even when under immense pressure, these two fighter also have the added benefit of having fought the same again with an almost equal score. The have both been in the ring with Austin Trout where Alvarez won and Cotto lost, they both have lost to Mayweather where Cotto proved a better opponent and they also have won over Shane Mosley although Cotto fought Mosley when he was on top of his game.

On the physically front, Alvarez has a nine-year age difference advantage against Cotto. He also has a two-inch difference in height over Cotto combined with a 3 1/2 advantage in jab reach. Some boxing authorities and fans have seriously questioned Cotto’s fights that for all intents and purposes have pointed to the Puerto Rican’s diminishing physical stature. On the other hand, when further dissecting the recent wins of Alvarez on the other hand seems be in his element when he is fighting with sluggers but performs dismally against technical boxers his two matches against Mayweather and Lara as a case in point. Well, even though Cotto can never match the skills and abilities of Mayweather or even Lara, his punching power combining with his fighting intelligence, Alvarez has enough on his plate. An important factor to also consider is that Miguel Cotto is the WBC middle weight title holder. He is the defending champion and he will give it his all to defend that title. For all boxing followers this is mega fight that is billed to be the crowning event of an other lackluster year.
An interesting fact in this bout is the weight; a 155-lbs catch weight that both fighters are very comfortable in and have won previous fights in. However, this is 2015 and catch weight is normally annoying to boxers and this particular weight doesn’t seem to favor any of the fighters.

A good thing to focus on this match is that there is no fight in the recent past where discussions and argument for any of the two fighters emerging the champion have been so objective and logical. These two fighters will place on the table awesome boxing technique, unrivaled boxing power and a willingness to fight. All these with the legendary rivalry of there great nations, Mexico and Puerto Rico. This ladies and gentlemen is the match that the boxing world needs to lift it back to it’s former glory.

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