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February 20, 2021 Miguel Berchelt vs Oscar Valdez at The Bubble, MGM Grand, Las Vegas for the World Boxing Council World Super Feather Title

Miguel Berchelt vs Oscar Valdez Round by Round
round 1
1-2 landed by Berchelt, left hand followed by right landed by Valdez, left jab landed by Valdez, double jab by Berchelt, bodyshot by Valdez, double jab right hand by Berchelt, jab landed by Valdez to end the round

left hook landed by Berchelt, left jab by Valdez, Right hand by Berchelt, left jab by Berchelt, left jab right hand by Berchelt, quick jab by Valdez, quick jab by Valdez,
Blood comes out from the nose of Berchelt courtesy of Valdez quick jabs,

Round 3
left hook by Berchelt, quick jab by Valdez, right hand by Berchelt, right hand by Berchelt jab by Valdez, quick jab by Berchelt, left hook by Valdez, combination by Berchelt,
righ hand by Berchelt, double jab by Berchelt to end the round.

Round 4
Double jab landed for Valdez, left hook by Valdez, combination by Berchelt, combination by Berchelt, quick jab by Valdez, left hook hurt Berchelt, wow Valdez almost ko Berchelt, Berchelt took to manny shots but still he survived the round.

Round 5
Berchelt still hurt, left hook by Valdez, another left hook by Berchelt, jab by Valdez, quick jab by Valdez, jab by Berchelt, big right hand by Valdez stunned Berchelt once again, Berchelt combination, another left hook by Valdez, combination by Berchelt, Berchelt survived the round again.

round 6
left hook by Berchelt, right hand by Berchelt, double left jab by Berchelt, combination by Berchelt, left hook by Berchelt, combination by Berchelt, right hand by Valdez, bodyshot by Valdez, combination again by Berchelt, hard hook by Valdez, Blocked by Berchelt, Berchelt attacking Valdez in this round, double jab by Berchelt to end the round

Round 7
double jab by Valdez, jab by Berchelt, combination by Berchelt, Berchelt pressuring Valdez, Right hand by Valdez, bodyshot by Berchelt, Berchelt goes to the head and body, Berchelt finding the range hard hook by Valdez stunned Berchelt, Berchelt keeps coming forward .

Roudn 8
left hard right hand landed by Valdez, left hook by Berchelt,1-2 by Berchelt, another left hook by Valdez, combination by Valdez, right hand by Berchelt, combination by Berchelt, bodyshots by Berchelt, hard jab by Valdez,

Round 9
left hook by Valdez, another left hook by Valdez, another left hook by Valdez,1-2 landed by Berchelt, anotehr hook by Valdez, left hook combination down goes Berchelt, right hand landed by Valdez,

Round 10
Berchelt in survival mode,bodyshot left hook by Valdez, quick right hand landed by Valdez, quick right landed by Valdez, another right hand by Valdez,Berchelt landed 1-2 combination, counter left hook by Valdez and Berchelt gets knocked out cold,

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