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September 9, 2017 Juan Francisco Estrada vs Carlos Cuadras at StubHub Center, Carson

Juan Francisco Estrada vs Carlos Cuadras Fight Replay
Round 1 At the very first round both fighters started to land hard shots at each other typical Mexican vs Mexican fight its and all action fight.

Round 2 Both fighters started the fight throwing hard shots but the highlight of this round belongs to Estrada when he landed a good uppercut that snapped Cuadras Head back.

Round 3 Cuadras caught Estrada early in the round that momentary offbalanced Estrada, so far Cuadras is outlanding Estrada in this round double jab followed by hard right landed for Cuadras Estrada answered back with body shots and good right hand that stunned Cuadras.

Round 4 Cuadras started to level up his work rate but Estrada took all his best shots and started to counter very well body shots left hook overhand right both boxers are really landing good shots are each other but it seems like Estrada was in control in this round after getting outworked in the 3rd round.

Round 5 Cuadras started the round with body shot followed by a hard right that landed to head of Estrada, hard right uppercut landed for Estrada, Good uppercut landed by Cuadras, Hard Left hook by Estrada Cuadras landed 1-2 to the head and body. Left hook to the body landed by Estrada.

Round 6 1-2 landed for Cuadras, Hard right by Estrada , bodyshot by Cuadras, Double jab by Estrada followed by beautiful uppercut, another hard right by Estrada, hard 1-2 combination by Cuadras

Round 7 Cuadras landed 1-2 to the head of Estrada, left hand and bodyshot landed for Estrada, another jab landed for Estrada, Hard combination by Estrada, another hard right landed for Estrada uppercut again for Estrada, Cuadras getting outworked in this round 3 punch combination landed by Estrada to end the round.

Round 8 Left hook landed by Estrada stunned Cuadras, Hard jabs for Estrada, Cuadras started to slow down and bit, Hard right hand by Cuadras combination by Cuadras, Left hook by Estrada lovely uppercut by Estrada, Double jab by Cuadras , Hard right by Estrada, combination by Cuadras, Hard right by Estrada to end the round.

Round 9 Left hook landed by Estrada, 3 punch combo landed by Cuadras, hard left hook by Estrada, jbs by Estrada, left hook to the body by Estrada, Combinaiton by Cuadras, Hard jabs by Estrada, 3 punch combo landed by Estrada to end the round

Round 10 Good combination by Estrada, body shot by Estrada Hard right hand down goes Cuadras, Estrada on the attack but Cuadaras fighting back very well, Hard jabs by Estrada, 1-2 by Estrada, another jab by Estrada.

Round 11 Combination by Cuadras to start the round, Hard jab by Estrada, Hard left hook by Estrada, body shot by Cuadras four punch combo by Cuadras, hard left and right landed for Estrada, another jab by Estrada, hard one two combination by Estrada, bodyshot by Cuadras, uppercut by Estrada another combination by Estrada to end the round

Round 12 left hook by Estrada, Hard right by Estrada followed by another combination, 1-2 by Cuadras, Another hard right by Estrada, jabs by Estrada 1-2 by Cuadras, jab by Estrada, hard right by Cuadras Hard right by Estrada stops Cuadaras attack hard counter left by Estrada, Cuadras landed 1-2 to end the round.

First it was announced that Cuadras won the fight by 114-113 on all judges but Michael Buffer made it right and apologizes for the mistake and announced the winner by Decision Juan Francisco Estrada.

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