Anthony Joshua vs. Alexander Povetkin Full Fight HD

September 22, 2018 Anthony Joshua vs. Alexander Povetkin at Wembley Stadium, Wembley for the following titles:
International Boxing Federation World Heavyweight Title
International Boxing Organization World Heavyweight Title
World Boxing Association Super World Heavyweight Title
World Boxing Organisation World Heavyweight Title

Alexander Povetkin vs Anthony Joshua Round by Round

Round 1
Right hand to the body landed by Povetkin, Right hook landed by Povetkin, counter left hook landed by Joshua followed by bodyshot, Right hand to the body landed by Povetkin, Counter right landed by Povetkin, quick left jab landed for Joshua, Uppercut by Joshua, Povetkin countered him with left hook to the head, left jab uppercut left hook landed by Povetkin, Joshua momentarily stunned, Good round for Povetkin,

Round 2
Joshua started the round throwing jab followed by left hook and right straight, Povetkin countered him with left hook, Good right hand by Povetkin, bodyshot by Joshua, Left hook right hand landed by Povetkin, Jab to the body by Joshua, Another hook landed by Povetkin, Joshua landed hard right, double jab right hand landed by Joshua, Bodyshot landed by Povetkin, Hard right hand landed by Povetkin Joshua got stunned and goes for the Clinched, left hook the body landed by Joshua, another left hook landed by Povetkin, Good right by Povetkin. Another good round for Povetkin

Round 3
Joshua started the round with jabs, right hand by Joshua, Bodyshot by Povetkin followed by Hard right hook Joshua holds on, Uppercut by Povetkin, Left hook right hand landed by Joshua, Looping right hand landed by Povetkin, Left jab by Joshua, double left by Povetkin, right hand by Povetkin, left hook by Joshua, double left to body followed by right landed by Joshua, Hard right by Joshua to end the round, Good round for Joshua

Round 4
Joshua started the round with jab, hard right hook landed by Povetkin, Joshua answered back with uppercut, bodyshot by Povetkin, Hard right lande by Joshua, left hook landed by Povetkin, Jab landed by Joshua, Left hoo lande by Joshua, bodyshot by Joshua, Right hand landed by Povetkin, Left hook by Povetkin, Joshua controlled the round with his jabs and maintaining the proper distance to make Povetkin miss, Good round for Joshua,

Round 5
Joshua again started the round with jab, jab to the body by Joshua, Right left jab landed for Povetkin, Jabs to the body by Joshua, Left hook by Povetkin, Hard right by Povetkin, Bodyshots by Joshua, Right to the head lande by Joshua, double left hook by Povetkin, Hard right by Joshua, left hook upper landed by Povetkin followed by right hand, bodyshot by Povetkin, Right hand by Povetkin, jab followed by 1-2 combination landed for Joshua, Left hook by Joshua, jab landed by Joshua, Another good round for Anthony Joshua

Round 6
Jab landed by Povetkin, Jab to the head and body landed by Joshua, left hook by Joshua followed by right hand, jab landed by Joshua, Left hook followed by Hard right landed by Povetkin, Jab by Povetkin, big right hand landed by Povetkin, Joshua keeps him away with jabs, Hard right hand landed by Joshua, bodyshot by Joshua, Left hook to the head by Joshua, Another left hook by Joshua, Jabs to the body by Joshua, Another round for Joshua.

round 7
Jab to the by Joshua, Left hook landed by Povetkin, Right hand by Povetkin, Jabs to the body from Joshua, hard right stunned Povertkin, bodyshot left hook and right hand by Joshua down goes Povetkin, Povetkin beats the count, Hard right hand, left hook right hook combination by Joshua referee stepped in and stopped the fight.

At the end of the first round Povetkin landed hard left hook that bloodied Joshua’s nose, Povetkin also dominated the second round, but after that Joshua has made some adjustment and slowly take over the fight in the succeeding rounds, Povetkin started to tire which an effect from Joshua’s bodyshots, It was a perfect gameplan for Joshua the older man Povetkin just can’t keep up and was frustrated when Joshua was able to control the dislance it is really difficult for the Russian boxer to land good shots, Also Joshua has improved his diffense by putting his right hand high and always ready to block Povetkins killer left hooks.

It is an impressive win by Joshua although Povetkin was the huge underdog he have shown that he is still very dangerous to any heavyweights out there.

Whats next for Anthony Joshua?
Anthony Joshua is schedule to fight again next year April 13, 2019, The winner of Deontay Wilder by Tyson Fury could be the biggest fight for him next year.

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